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Is DynamoQL production ready ?

More than 400 integration and unit tests covers the entier documentation and more.
If you encounter any problem, feel free to open an issue.

Is TypeScript mandatory ?

DynmoQL is completly written in TypeScript to drastically improve developer experience with powerfull suggestions.
DynamoQL works well with both TypeScript and JSDoc out of box.

Is multi-region supported ?

DynamoQL initialize DynamoDB client with configration you provide.

Can i use aws-sdk v2 with DynamoQL ?

DynamoQL supports only aws-sdk v3 and there is no plan to support v2.

Can i use DynamoQL in browser ?

Yes, but NodeJS Buffer must be pollyfilled.
You can try buffer by feross

How an item is validated ?

DynamoQL item validation process starts by walking item properties based on defined Schema.

  1. If walker encounters a missing field, it looks for default defined in your Schema, if default is present then missing field is filled with the default value (or default functions returned value).
  2. walker applies string transformers like trim, lowercase, capitalize etc..
  3. walker executes Schema defined set functions and applies returned values.
  4. walker looks for missing fields and throws DynamoQLMissingKeyException with details after walking the entier item.
  5. walker verifies types and throws DynamoQLInvalidTypeException.
  6. walker verifies enums and throws DynamoQLInvalidEnumException.
  7. walker verifies min, max, minLength, maxLength and throws DynamoQLInvalidMinMaxException.
  8. walker executes Schema defined validate functions are throws DynamoQLCustomValidatorException.
Can i trust unknown sources when i use DynamoQL ?


An attacker using a public API, can change the behaviour of your condition expressions. However you can reduce attack surface using longhand syntax in your condition expressions.

a very basic example:

// pseudo Express route middleware
const updateUserRole = (req, res, next) => {
await User.update(
id: req.body.userId,
// checking password equality with shorthand syntax
password: req.body.password,
{ group: "admin-group" }


Now lets imagine req.body.password is not a string as you may except, but an object like:

$size: {
$gte: 0

Attacker bypass password checking by producing a string.length >= 0 condition.

To prevent injections from unkown sources use longthand syntax

// pseudo Express route middleware
const updateUserRole = (req, res, next) => {
await User.update(
id: req.body.userId,
// checking password with longthand syntax
password: {
$eq: req.body.password,
{ group: "admin-group" }

Can I use multiple models with the same table name ?

Nothing prevents you to use the same table name with different Models as long as primaryIndex, sortKey, LSI and GSI are identical.

Can I use DynamoQL with an already existing project ?

However you should ensure Schema definition meets your stored items types.