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delete method performs delete request using aws-sdk DeleteItemCommand.


batchDelete takes 2 arguments:

  1. (required) item identifier
    • item primaryIndex
    • or an object which includes item primaryIndex (+ sortKey for HASH and RANGE tables) and optionnally Condition expression
  2. (optionnal) options

simple delete request on a HASH table

const res = await User.delete("user-1", { ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL" } )

simple delete request on a HASH and RANGE table

const res = await User.delete(
groupId: "group-1", // Schema primaryIndex
userId: "user-1", // Schema sortKey
{ ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL" }

delete request with conditions

const res = await User.delete(
id: "user-1", // Schema primaryIndex
age: {
$gt: 25 // deletes item if id = "user-1" and age is greater than 25
{ ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL" }


options is an object which accepts DeleteItemCommandInput options and DynamoQL specific options.


exec boolean directive to execute or not the actual request.
When false delete will return DeleteItemCommandInput object.

import type { DeleteItemCommandInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

const cmd: DeleteItemCommandInput = await User.delete(
{ exec: false }