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transactUpdate method performs transact update request using aws-sdk TransactWriteItemsCommand.


transactUpdate takes 2 arguments:

  1. (required) list of object which must include:
  2. (optionnal) options
const res = await User.transactUpdate(
condition: {
id: "user-1",
set: {
age: {
$incr: 1,
condition: {
id: "user-2",
sex: "female",
set: {
"friends[0]": "user-1",
{ ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL" }


options is an object which accepts TransactWriteItemsCommandInput options and DynamoQL specific options.


exec boolean directive to execute or not the actual request.
When false transactUpdate will return TransactWriteItemsCommandInput object.

import type { TransactWriteItemsCommandInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

const cmd: TransactWriteItemsCommandInput = await User.transactUpdate(
condition: {
id: "user-1",
set: {
firstname: "John",
condition: {
id: "user-2",
age: 22,
set: {
firstname: "Sara",
{ exec: false }


ConditionCheck on the same table.

const res = await User.transactUpdate(
condition: {
id: "user-1",
age: 27,
firstname: "John",
set: {
sex: "male",
condition: {
id: "user-2",
firstname: {
$neq: "Sara",
set: {
age: 22,
firstname: "Sara",
sex: "female",
friends: ["user-1"],
isActive: true,
check: [
id: "user-64",
isActive: false,

If you need ConditionCheck on another table, use { exec: false } then merge your conditions manually.

import { TransactWriteItemsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";
import type { TransactWriteItemsInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

const cmd: TransactWriteItemsInput = await User.transactUpdate(
condition: {
id: "user-1",
set: {
isActive: true,
condition: {
id: "user-2",
isActive: false,
set: {
isActive: true,
{ exec: false }

// pretending UserOrders is another instance of Model

const orderCheck: TransactWriteItemsInput = await UserOrders.transactWrite(
check: [
id: "user-id",
orders: {
$size: 0,
{ exec: false }


await User.client.send(new TransactWriteItemsCommand(cmd));