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transactDelete method performs transact delete request using aws-sdk TransactWriteItemsCommand.


transactDelete takes 2 arguments:

  1. (required) an array of object where each object includes:
    • item primaryIndex
    • optionnally KeyConditionExpression
    • optionnally Condition expression which will perform FilterExpression
  2. options (optionnal)
const res = await User.transactDelete(
id: "user-1",
id: "user-2",
age: {
$gt: 20,
{ ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL" }


options is an object which accepts TransactWriteItemsInput options and DynamoQL specific options.


exec boolean directive to execute or not the actual request.

import type { TransactWriteItemsInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

const cmd: TransactWriteItemsInput = await User.transactDelete(
id: "user-1",
id: "user-2",
age: {
$gt: 20,
{ exec: false }


ConditionCheck on the same table.

const res = await User.transactDelete(
id: "user-1",
id: "user-2",
age: {
$gt: 20,
check: [
id: "user-64",
isActive: false,

If you need ConditionCheck on another table, use { exec: false } then merge your conditions manually.

import { TransactWriteItemsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";
import type { TransactWriteItemsInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

const cmd: TransactWriteItemsInput = await User.transactDelete(
id: "user-1",
id: "user-2",
age: {
$gt: 20,
{ exec: false }

// pretending UserOrders is another instance of Model

const orderCheck: TransactWriteItemsInput = await UserOrders.transactWrite(
check: [
id: "user-id",
orders: {
$size: 0,
{ exec: false }


await User.client.send(new TransactWriteItemsCommand(cmd));